Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October Assembly 2011: Presentation I, The Holy Family Association (Guideliness)


1. The vision of Saint Joseph Manyanet
    Report by Fr. Julio Gonzalez, S.F.
1.1. The Lay branch of the Sons of the Holy Family
1.2. Camareros and camareras of the Holy Family
1.3. The Holy Family Association and the Monthly Home Visit

2. The Holy Family Association at Holy Cross
    Report by Debbie Montoya (General Celadora)
    introduced by Fr. Javier Gutierrez
2.1. How many members?
2.2. Is there a program or agenda for the Monthly Home Visit
       at Holy Cross Parish? If "yes", please give details.
2.3. The Feast of the Holy Family and the Monthly Home Visit
2.4. Weaknesses and challenges of the Monthly Home Visit at Holy Cross Parish
2.5. How do you see the Monthly Home Visit at Holy Cross within the next three years?
       The same, increasing, decreasing. Please explain.
2.6. How can the Sons of the Holy Family help the Monthly Home Visit
       at Holy Cross Parish?

3. The Holy Family Association at Holy Family Parish
    Report by Emilio Martinez
3.1. How many members?
3.2. Is there a program or agenda for the Monthly Home Visit
       at Holy Family Parish? If "yes", please, give details.
3.3. The Feast of the Holy Family and the Monthly Home Visit
3.4. Weaknesses and challenges of the Monthly Home Visit at Holy Family Parish
3.5. How do you see the Monthly Home Visit at Holy Family Parish
       within the next three years? The same, increasing, decreasing. Please explain.
3.6. How can the Sons of the Holy Family help the Monthly Home Visit
       at Holy Family Parish?

4. The Holy Family Magazine
    Report by Mrs. Joanne Dupont Sandoval
4.1. Origin and goals of the The Holy Family Magazine in the USA
4.2. Finances
4.3. Weaknesses and challenges

5. The Holy Family Association in New Mexico
    Report by Fr. Julio Gonzalez, S.F.

6. Challenges and goals (OPEN DEBATE)
6.1. Is the MHV/HFA still a useful tool to evangelize families?
6.2. How can the MHV/HFA help families to grow in their faith and develop a spirituality?
6.3. Objectives for 2011-2012

Monday, October 3, 2011

The first challenge of the Holy Family Association is to present the Holy Family as a model of family and human relationships to all families and to the Church

The Church proposes the Holy Family of Nazareth as a model for all families. In the family of Nazareth we encounter the example of a man and father (Joseph), the example of a woman and mother (Mary) and the example of a son and person (Jesus).

There are different ways of fulfilling ones role in communion with others without excluding anyone; however, the harmony of the House of Nazareth does not depend on the roles of each member, but rather on the unconditional love which unites them. This love is not only human in its expression but also divine in its mystery and universality.

The life and testimony of the Holy Family is proposed for everyone without exception. Because of this, the Holy Family is not just a model for some families, but for the whole Church (a family of families).

Traditionally, the Holy Family has been proposed as the perfect model for religious communities. Thus, Jesus, Mary and Joseph accept God’s plan and they carry out this plan through perfect obedience, perfect chastity and perfect poverty. However, the Holy Family cannot be reduced to being the perfect model only for consecrated life. God makes himself present in the home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph so that all families can feel and know the nearness of God. Hence, the Church proposes the spirituality of the Holy Family to inspire families and individuals to face their questions, fears, challenges, sadness, joys and hopes of today’s families.

The first challenge of the Holy Family Association is to present the Holy Family as a model of family and human relationships to all families and to the Church. One cannot love whom one does not know and the Holy Family of Nazareth continues to be, twenty-one centuries later, a great unknown to many Christians. This is in part because of the mystery which they represent and also because we have committed the mistake of making a Holy Family of our own ideas and beliefs. Because of the temporary and finite nature of our ideas, we cannot grasp the totality and the universality of the plan of God.

In prayer before the Blessed Sacrament to pray together for vocations to priesthood and consecrated life

Next Thursday, first of the month (October 6), the entire congregation is called to unite in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament to pray together for vocations to priestly and consecrated life.

I send you three short excerpts from Pope Benedict XVI referred to the importance to nurture and share our faith:

"We live in a time characterized by relativism which permeates all life environments. Sometimes, this relativism becomes combative, directed against those who claim to know where to find the truth or the meaning of life.

Notice how this relativism exerts an increasing influence on human relationships. This is manifested in the inconsistency and discontinuity of many people and excessive individualism. Some people seem able to give up anything at all or sacrifice for others (...)

We see that in our rich Western world there are many deficiencies. Many lack the experience of the goodness of God. They don't find a point of contact with the church institutions and traditional structures. (...)

Let me address this point on the specific situation in Germany. The Church is organized optimally. But behind the structures, do we find strength of faith in a living God? We must honestly say that there is a gap between the structures and the Spirit. The real crisis of the Church in the Western world is a crisis of faith. If we do not reach a renewal of faith, any structural reform will be ineffective.

Let's go back to these people who lack the experience of the goodness of God. They need places where they can talk about their inner longing. We are called to seek new ways of evangelization, ways that might be small communities where people live the gift of friendship developing a better understanding of who they are and who they are called to be. In this small communities people can talk easily about their experiences of faith in their jobs and in their families or acquaintances. Thus they are able to witness a rapprochement of the Church to society. To them it is clear that all have need of this food of love, friendship concrete with others and with God. But it's still important to know the relationship of the Eucharist vital, because without Christ we can do nothing (cf. Jn15, 5).

From the Pope's speech to the Committee of German Catholics, September 24, 2011.

Source: Fr. Jesus Diaz Alonso, S.F.
General Superior of the Sons of the Holy Family
(Original in Spanish)